

Vendor Biography

About Us

ExtraLife was founded in 2016, in an attempt to overcome the painful loss of Elia, a very special child. Our researches during Elia’s illness led us to realise that our modern way of life constantly neglects the correct food pyramid, at times causing many, even severe, diseases.

We therefore decided to join forces to create a healthy and flavourful product. Our highly specialised team also includes food technologists and qualified nutritionists.

ExtraLife proudly supports “”La Partita da Vincere”” (The Match to Win), a charity association helping children in need.


Fruit and vegetables are the basis for a healthy and well-balanced diet. The Italian Ministry of Health recommends eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables from five colour families every day.

Our cold pressed ExtraLife extracts help to achieve the recommended daily intake, by integrating the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables with a healthy and 100% natural product.

If you cannot eat it, drink it!